Well the Super Bowl is over...not a shabby game. Steelers 27 Cardinals 23.
The game had some spotty officiating and some crazy plays (notice the clipping at :12 secs), but things came together nicely. Following last year's Giants/Pats Super Bowl was a tough task but the teams did a good job of providing some entertainment. God knows the commercials weren't anything too exciting. And the halftime show sure was the most intense, weird, over-the-top 12 minutes of awkwardness I've experienced since I last saw Brenda Warner in 2000.
Here's the Super Bowl Recap:
Top 5 Commercials (links coming if not yet available)
1.) Career Builder spot - Punching animals can be a funny commercial in and of itself. Add the repetitive elements of the old asian guy saying "Hey Dummy" and a Koala getting punched like 5 times, it's even better. My favorite spot.
2.) Doritos Crystal Ball - Crotch shots, crystal balls, and Cooler Ranch chips. 'Nuff said.
3.) Conan Bud Light Ad - Conan is the single reason this commercial is funny. And the weird Swedish bondage. They should have used Finland though since Conan had that long-standing skit going about how he looks like Finland's Prime Minister...
4.) Denny's Thugs - I found this commercial funny and I don't know why. The loud sound of whip cream might be a good start. And the fact that Denny's is giving away a free Grand Slam Breakfast to everyone in America from 6am-2pm tomorrow, 2/3. Find your nearest Denny's here!
5.) Taco Bell: Overrated - Taco Bell has good food. No matter how much you regret going to the bathroom 5 hours later, the food is good. This girl is hot and this would be something I'd do in real life. JK. But not really.
Movie Trailers
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - Megan Fox is hot.
G.I. Joe (Notice the kickass "Hollywood Undead" music in the background)
Year One -(I have a hard time enjoying this trailer knowing that Michael Cera is the dbag who is holding back the "Arrested Development" big screen movie. He made a few cute little flicks where girls thought he was innocent and sweet and now he's holding back what made him someone in the first place.)
Up - (Another Disney Pixar flick. These movies are always awesome and make me want kids or at least the chance to rent someone's kids so I have a legitimate reason to go to the theater to see these films.)
Angels & Demons -(Awesome book. Really weird ending. And this was before Da Vinci Code. And Tom Hanks' weird hair doesn't work as Robert Langdon.)
The halftime show was quite the adventure as I stated above. Bruce Springsteen and half the late-night NBC/CBS TV cast performed for 12 minutes in one over-the-top set. Aside from the stupid refs throwing penalty flags and The Boss proving he knows more than one term from football, THIS WAS THE HIGHLIGHT of the night.
I'm sure the NFL & NBC thought they had a safe thing going when they got The Boss to perform, but who knew he would go weiner-first, sliding across the stage into a cameraman. Watch his face, it's ridiculous. I'd much rather see Janet Jackson's boob.
The NFL season is over unfortunately. Always a sad time of the year. Hopefully you made some money yesterday. If you bet the over/under on Brenda Warner appearances, sorry they didn't show her more. Miracuously she's become smoking hot. She looked like a more mature, milfy, sexy version of Heidi Montag from "The Hills". Before and after. You can't say she's not hot now. God Bless America.
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