Cougars. Everyone knows one. Everyone sort of wants one. Not the animal. The woman. She's anywhere between the ages of 40 & 60 and on the prowl. Beverly D'Angelo would be the perfect example of a cougar. Gross. Demi Moore is another example of a cougar. Awesome.
When I was informed that TV Land is coming out with a show, produced by the creators of 'The Bachelor', based on 20 guys attempting to land the love of a 40-year old cougar, I puked in my mouth a little bit. I hate those reality shows. HATE THEM. Only women watch them. And gay dudes. I, unfortunately, fit neither of those categories so I don't watch them.
But that's going to change. Vivica A. Fox is going to be hosting this new show beginning in April. And it stars two people I know from college. Grant and Adam Mills were two of the craziest kids I knew. They were twins, played rugby, partied every second of everyday, were hilarious and provided endless entertainment. And now they are competing for the love of a 40-year old, hot cougar.
The entertainment will come and I can't wait for it. I have absolutely no idea what channel TV Land Prime is but I'm going to try and figure it out. You should too. 'The Cougar' is going to be awesome.
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