I'm back. For how long, I don't know. My life has changed profusely. I spooned with someone and have a baby on the way in April. I married (will be marrying) that girl and I'm going to spend the rest of my life with her. I moved to Kansas City.
The best part of the move, aside from all the delicious BBQ and Kansas City Royals jerseys is that my old car is sitting in Arizona. In retirement. It's been there for 3 years and been away from my driving hands for 4+. Until now.
Tomorrow I transverse some state lines and I head to Arizona to retrieve my silver beauty and I'm driving her back to Kansas City. A good old fashioned road trip. With my pops.
The destination is known, the stops in between not. I hope to take pictures, see Sturgis and eat some good food along the way. I'll think about life and think about spooning more.
I don't promise anything exciting during my road trip but here's to America and here's to Spooning With A Stranger in 2011. Lots of strangers.